
Public health history in the making: Developing COVID-19 vaccines for the world

When the COVID-19 outbreak was officially declared a global health emergency in January 2020, the world had no idea of the kind of turmoil that would come next.

For more than 3 years, health and care workers, organizations and governments across the world fought to develop, deliver and administer a vaccine that would help save lives. On 5 May 2023, the COVID-19 global health emergency was officially declared over by the World Health Organization.

These are the numbers and stories behind these efforts – the efforts that would go on to defy what we thought was possible, and shape the knowledge we carry into the future.

Covid-19 Vaccine

Global Figures at a glance

Estimated COVID-19-associated deaths prevented by vaccination in Year 1*

8 December 2020 to 8 December 2021

*Estimates of vaccine impact do not account for the potential underreporting of deaths related to COVID-19. Source: The Lancet

© UNICEF/Ghosh

A response like no other

Milestones of the global response to COVID-19

Explore the major milestones that contributed to the largest public health response in human history.




Sierra Leone

Mansunthu Village

© WHO/Unicef/Michael Duff